Saturday 20 April 2013

Foliage support structures

I'm about to set off for a weekend at Scalefour North, but have just enough time for a very quick update on Tredethy Wharf.

The left hand scenic break is progressing reasonably well, I've one more structure to make to complete the group before I lay on the foliage. Hopefully they will knit together to give the impression of how sections of the Wenford Bridge branch looked, with trees over-hanging the track creating tunnels of foliage.


  1. Oh Curses! I forgot all about that! Shame on me - it's just 8 miles down the road! Maybe next year...

  2. Thanks guys. There are three trees in the corner, the whole group will made up of six. They're not as close as they should be in reality but hopefully they will give the right impression when completed.

    Scalfour North is a two day show with some very fine layouts on show and and excellent selection of traders. I'll be there again today, being inspired and spending a little cash.

  3. Looking forward to seeing Tredethy Wharf at Cleethorpes Show - still nearly three weeks away, so no pressure then !

  4. Pressure is building Bob... A bit like doing school homework, steady progress then a last minute manic. Thankfully it doesn't need to be finished for the Cleethorpes show :-)
