Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Clay Wagons GWR dia 013 (part 3)

On my first wagon nearing the completion of its rebuild, I've installed 4 shoe brake gear with connecting rod and the clutch handle towards the end door. This would seem to be how the vacuum brake gear was fitted to BR's diagram 1/051 wagons.

I'm just starting to realise that this might not have been the case with these older refitted non-vacuum braked GWR wagons. My understanding is that they were initially built with DCII non-vacuum brake gear with both the brake handles at the opposite end to the end door. After 1939, conversion to Morton brakes was initiated to conform to the 'right-handed' ministry rules (though possibly not to all as I've seen a photograph of one preserved at Brewdley with DCII brake gear). 

My problem is, was the DCII brake gear replaced with 2 shoe, 4 shoe, or 4 shoe independent Morton brake gear? If either of the first two which side was the clutch, handle towards the end door, or towards the fixed end? Looking again at the few references I have, and photographs I have since found on the web, it would seem that they had 4 shoe independent brake gear. Some photographs however are not clear and are confusing me slightly. So I'm wondering if there could have been a variation of brake gear fitted to these wagons.

I’m starting to think (partly as an excuse to my possible mistake) that, as St. Blazey wagon works repaired these older GWR wagons, there could well have been a variation in brake gear fitted. That said I would like to have the majority of these wagons fitted with the most common type of brake gear that they were equipped with. Though I will probably also include at least one with DCII just to 'tip my hat' to the heritage of these wagons.

I’ve posted requests for further information on a couple of forums. In the meantime, while I wait for confirmation/criticism of my thoughts, these wagons will be put to one side.


  1. Has anyone produced documentary or photographic evidence to the contrary of what you are doing?

    That is the real issue. We all try and make our models as convincing as possible, yet there are some things that possibly we will never be able to establish with certainty.

    Looking back 50 years, there will be no complete records existing of exactly what was done, and to what number of vehicles. So think about what was probable, and don't sweat over the small stuff. No one else will have 100% knowledge that you are wrong. The best that you can do is to see what is evident in photos, and extrapolate the rest from that.

    But always remember - never "model a model" as that may have taken the same approach ;-)

  2. Jan,
    "Freight wagon loads in service on the GWR and WR" (Russell), has a photo - as figure 29 of a reconditioned O13. It seems to have lever brakes either side using GWR lever guards. The levers are at opposite corners so that one of them is at the opening end.

    Worth a look if you can get hold of the book. I would lend you mine, 'cept for the trivial detail of being in Australia :)

  3. Hi Graig. It was that photograph in JH Russll's book that made me realised I'd probably made a mistake. But, I'll take on board what Flymo has said, that there will probably be no evidence to fully prove I'm wrong for just one wagon. As long as the wagon looks convincing I'll be happy to leave this one as it is. The rest of the Ian Kirk wagons will, I hope, be build to conform to what was probably the norm.

    Many thanks for the comments guys.
