Friday, 10 September 2010

RCH 7 Plank wagon (Part 5)

It's been a while ...... and track laying on Tredethy Wharf is progressing slowly. I'm beginning to realise what I've started by using individual LSWR chairs........... and this is just a small/test plank layout!

As a slight distraction and with the encouragement of a recent article in the MRJ 200, I've picked up the RCH PO wagon again. A few months ago I'd put this wagon to one side after becoming dissatisfied with my attempt at painting the internal planking. It has been a long time since I've used enamels as all my wargaming painting has been with acrylics. The other barrier has been a mental one about painting a weathered wood effect. In my OO/EM days I'd made a few attempts at this and tried to represent replaced planks, and I never really captured the effect I was after.

Mulling things over I'd started to consider using acrylics when MRJ 200 arrived with the excellent article by Craig Welsh. This lead to a quick purchase of paints followed a couple of hours work, and I'm starting to feel I'm getting somewhere.

It's early days yet........ the planking needs toning down a little with grey washes; the metal work needs rust applying; the whole wagon needs weathering; need to apply running numbers...... but over all I am now feeling more confident about painting wooden wagons. Thanks Craig.


  1. Hi Yan,
    So I am not the only one to enjoy Craigs article. I have not yet got around to buying the paints in yet but with several opens to refurbish and kits to build it will not be long before I try his methods.
    Your own 7-plank is coming along fine and perhaps we can look forward to reading how you tackled the job in hand before long.


  2. I've one other 7 plank to build and I might upload a few postings during its time on the bench. But there are also a number of clay wagons to tackle plus a few 5 planks so I've plenty to have a go at. The clay wagons will be interesting ones to paint.
