Thursday, 18 June 2009

Ultrascale order but more to the point

My Ultrascale order has arrived : P4 wheel conversion packs for a Bachmann Pannier and a Class 29. Hmmm ........ which one to tackle first.

While I am now excited by the thought of quickly having a P4 loco, I am also bathing in the success of the B7 point kit. So this evening I've made a start on the A7 kit but using wooden sleepers.

Templot template PVA'd to 3/16th balsa with the pre-stained sleepers.

Templot's sleeper spacing or the length of the point does not match the P4 Track Company's kit. Not sure that this will cause too much of a problem. I hope to be using Templot to build other points and the rest of the track so this should be a good starting point .... sorry about the pun.

All ready for tomorrow night...!

More posts will follow along with photographs hopefully in the next few days......
Sorry .... just noticed that posting date for this blog was wrong not sure how I manage to post this before I'd started doing it!! Amended posting date to 18/06/09 (20/06/09).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yan,

    You wrote:

    Templot's sleeper spacing or the length of the point does not match the P4 Track Company's kit.

    To match the P4 Track Co kits in Templot you need to set a generic type of V-crossing and convert to CLM unit angles.

    If you ask on Templot Club I can expand on this.

    Some of the P4 Track Co kits have the wrong wing rail front length and joint positions -- for more on this see this: topic on RMweb .


