Tuesday 2 July 2024

Scalefour Crewe

The show in Crewe was an excellent experience. Very friendly and Tredethy Wharf received many compliments, it even gained one lady (with no connection to myself) voting it 'Best in Show'.

That said I've taken the decision to pack the layout away for a couple of years and concentrate on my Scalefour Jubilee Challenge layout,  Rospeath Lane. This is for a number of reasons;

  • Time: September 2026 will soon be here and due to getting Tredethy Wharf ready for Crewe I've lost about 5 days when I should have been working on Rospeath Lane.
  • Rusting Track: I need to solve the issue with the steel rail rusting on Tredethy Wharf. This winter I plan to install a dehumidifier along with some background heat in the log cabin. Next year I'll take a look at the track and if it is still showing signs of rust I'll have to make one of two decisions. To either scrape the layout and salvage what I can or replace the track with Hi-Nickle silver.
Depending on the above decision;
  • Scenery: On seeing a few photos taken at Crewe I'm starting to feel that some of the trees look a little naff and other parts of the layout are starting to look tired. I know I could now construct better trees and possible better scenery.
  • Backscreen: The back screen was a hasty replacement for the previous blank white background. It has always been my intention to add some subtle detail to the background but never plucked up the courage.
  • Cassettes: These have always been a problem. Some being very difficult to use. I'm going to   build a different style of cassette for Rospeath Lane and if they work better than Tredethy Wharf's will scrape the cuurent ones and change to the new style.
  • Locomotives: Before Tredethy Wharf's next outing I would at least need to complete the Beattie Well Tank. This has been on hold while I make a decision on converting the layout from DC to DCC. Rospeath Lane will be DCC which should help me to finally make that decision. I've also a GWR 13xx to build for the layout.
  • Rolling stock: I have a Brake Van Special to complete along with building a few clay hoods to go behind a blue Class 08.

So, as they say, a layout is never completed, but I really do now need to focus all my hobby time on Rospeath Lane.

Friday 26 April 2024

Scalefour News 237

It was quite a shock to see TredethyWharf featured on the front cover of Scalefour News 237

Over the weekend of June 8th-9th, Tredethy Wharf will be at Scalefour Crewe. I've only just unboxed the layout after it's last outing nearly two years ago at SolRail only to find patches of rust on the track. There were also a couple of problems with the layout during the show so these will also need fixing. Hopefully, it will not take too long to bring up to an acceptable standard again.

Sunday 5 March 2023

Tredethy Wharf's future.

 Though Tredethy Wharf has been a good introduction to Scalefour modelling it has not been a layout that I’ve been tempted to operate at home. When set up at home it’s normally just there as a static diorama collecting dust. That said I have enjoyed taking it to shows along with helping out on other layouts at shows. I’ve become to realise making an exhibition of myself in front of a layout is a rewarding experience. Meeting up with friends who help, the meeting of fellow modellers along with the public who ask questions, or just seeing peoples/children’s facial expressions makes the whole event worthwhile.

I feel all that remains for me to do with Tredethy Wharf, apart from a little bit more titivation, is to build more stock for different era’s. These might be late 1960s Blue class 08s with clay hoods, even possibly consider 1930s stock. I’ve had many complementary comments along with much encouragement to keep Tredethy Wharf available for exhibitions. But I know I have much more to learn, more skills to conquer along with some mental barriers to cross

Rospeath Lane was been design to give me these challenges but it is a layout that has not really been designed as an exhibition layout. With two main baseboards being 4’6”x3’ it will be difficult to handle and transport by myself. By the time it’s in a state to exhibit I’ll probably be to infirm to manage it. Even though progress has stagnated during the last 18 months I’m still very committed to continuing with Rospeath Lane but only as a home based layout.

So what can I build to continue and expanding by exhibiting experience?

Back in April 2020 I posted a blog titled ‘Deciding on the next project’At that time all five were designed to fit in the ‘Man Cave’ at the previous house. In revisiting these ideas one stands out more than the others as a possible exhibition layout. Then to add further incentive to this idea I had the opportunity to purchase, from the late Jon Lord’s collection of rolling stock, an Adams O2 converted to P4

I took this as a sign that the project to look at in more detail as a successor to Tredethy Wharf is Boscarne Junction. It will follow on nicely from Tredethy Wharf, keeping in the family so to speak. All the rolling stock I have build and likely to build for Tredethy Wharf will potentially be used on Boscarne Junction. More importantly it will give me many new challenges to overcome especially represent a real location.

Planning and ideas are continuing to develop so further thoughts will be posted on my new Boscarne Junction blog.

With all the above said I'm definitely going to keep Tresthy Wharf available for exhibitions as it will dovetail nicely with Boscarne Junction. Also while I'm still planning and building Boscrane the two scenic boards will be an excellent test bed for rolling stock. I say this as there are a few minor problems with the track and I hope I'll improve my track building on Boscarne Junction.

Thursday 24 November 2022

SolRail 2022

I'd been invited to show Tredethy Wharf at SolRail 2022, this is the Working Model Railway Exhibition held in November each year. After dragging the layout out of storage, our house is undergoing some major renovations so the layout was hiding behind stacks of furniture. I set it up in our living room, which had just had a new level floor laid but was still a building site. There were a few things that needed fixing especially one turnout that was not working. Eventually after a little tinkering it sprang into life. All rolling stock was checked and the the whole layout packed and ready to go.

The organising committee had agreed to a have mini Scalefour element as part of the show naming it as Scaleforum Cumberland. This was in one of the side rooms where there was tables laid out for three demonstrators plus room for three small layouts, Tredethy Wharf being one of them. Set up went well during the Friday evening prior to the show  and I managed to have a cheeky meander around the show. It looked like it was to be a exhibition with a good cross section of the hobby and I left with anticipation for the coming two days.

All ready for the next two days

Saturday morning, my trusted helper, Nick Cook, arrived early to find me setting up the rolling stock. All looked good until I tried that pesky turnout that I fixed the day before. Unfortunately it is the preferred turnout used for shunting the wharf sidings. This dramatically reduced our operating to just running trains through the layout. That is until I tested the turnout during the afternoon and it worked...So we did get some shunting of wagons on Saturday, but we were not as fortunate on the Sunday.

The main surprise for me was being awarded The Jim Harkness Memorial Shield. The shield is in memory of the Workington Transport Heritage Trust's Health and Safety Officer who died of cancer in 2009. It is presented to a layout or display which the judge from the organising committee feels is the most deserving.

The Jim Harkness Trophy being proudly displayed

Talk about being gobsmacked and a tad embarrassed but on reflection quite proud that someone within the hobby thought my little effort was deserving of the award.

Saturday 14 November 2020

A couple of Videos of Tredethy Wharf

I'd forgotten about these two videos that were taken at the Immingham show back in 2019. Just thought it might be worth posting links to these videos on YouTube.

Class 08 shunter on a full chine clay trains

Class 08 shunter on an empty clay train

Sunday 29 March 2020

Little people

A good friend, and a fellow Tredethy Wharf operator, offered to paint a few figures for my Gricer Train. I gratefully posted half a dozen Dart Casting figures off to him.

I've got to admit that I was suitably embarrassed in the speed these figures were returned. Within a couple of weeks they promptly appeared in our post box. He even fashioned a camera on the young woman to make the figure more appropriate.

I've not put paint on a brush for many months and to have these returned so quickly was an excellent kick up the proverbial. Along with little people for the Gricer, I also require a number of footplate figures along with guards. Out came the tray, and figure painting has commenced...

With all that is going on currently with the COVID-19 lockdown, the distractions of playing golf has been removed. I now have no excuse not to get more figures painted.

Sunday 2 February 2020

Brake Vans - A Gricer train (1)

Another task I need to address is a Brake Van Special to run on Tredethy Wharf. Roger Cox has been more than generous in allowing me to borrow his Gricer train for a number of exhibitions. Even though I'm extremely grateful to him, I think it's about time I created one myself. So, I've purchased a number of figures which need painting to populate the brake vans. As far as brake vans are concerned, only a Southern Railway Queen Mary has been finished and populated with figures. I have seen a photo of a Queen Mary brake van at Wadebridge - but cannot recall exactly where? I have also come across the photo below of a Queen Mary at Dunmere.

Don't know if it would have been a candidate for a Gricer train, though surely it could have been used at some point.

On the Bachmann model above I've used MJT components for the bogies and side frames, this combination has produced a very free running and stable van.

The two Brake Vans above have been in a part converted/upgraded state for over 12 months, just need to get some mojo back to get them completed.

Only require 3 or 4 more Brake Vans and 30 or so painted figures...